
  1. Positive Effects of a DDOS

    By peter

    It seems Posterous was hit by aDOS, and as a fix the Posterous team seems to have deployed quite a bit of additional capacity. At least the site feels much snappier now :–)

  2. My Python History

    By peter

    As a Siemensintern in summer ‘96, my task was to process megabytes and megabytes of log files from network testing equipment, using the not-so-formidable text parsing capabilities of Visual C++ 1.5. After this rather grueling experience, I was on the lookout for an easier way to do string processing …

  3. Bengrillen

    By peter

    Leute bei Bens Geburtstagsgrillen am Samstag


  4. "What do you mean...

    By peter

    ...toilet paper is not for playing?"

    Favorite toys include, but are not limited to: blue ribbon, feathers, anything that makes a sound when moved, dangling stuff, wiggling toes, stuff that moves but is partly concealed, and of course the all-time fav, the laser pointer.


  5. 30°C im Aquarium

    By peter


    Arme Fische... muss wohl wieder (wie schon letzte Woche) taeglich Wasser tauschen damit die Temperatur ein bisschen runterkommt.Mit ein paar Eiswuerferl wirds da nicht getan sein.

  6. Filesystem Brutality

    By peter

    Or, how to scrape data off a broken harddrive with unnecessary cruelty

    The other day a friend of mine sent a terabyte harddrive by which, dueto events unknown, had ceased to perform its duty in a Linux-based NAS.

    Indeed, it seemed as if the disk in question 1) indeed contained …

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